Features; Noise generator, linked to upper three channels only. A simple, but good sounding model for small studio and live use.​Bands 10 Retail price 900 Euro Produced: ? Size: 1 HED

YNACORD SRV 66 VOCODER (like Synton Syntovox 222)

Track name Demo US dealer EMSA
00:00/ 00:10

Parts used in 222 

TDA 1034/NE5534 

Schematics 222 1979 model (without noise) 
Schematics 222 1981 model syntovox 222
article discdec 79

The Syntovox 222 was also sold to Dynacord for OEM use. It was marketed in Germany as Dynacord SRV66. The Dynacord label is a sticker over the original “Echolette” label

The Syntovox 222 was also sold to Dynacord for OEM use. It was marketed in Germany 
as Dynacord SRV66. The Dynacord label is a sticker over the original “Echolette” label.