Fenix II and III and GT

Fenix II and III are 2 separate units. Both models will have a 19" (11HE) metal case like the Fénix 1.
Optional will be wooden site-panels like the proto type and a 19" 11HE mounting housing (to preserve the angle within a 19" rack) instead ofthe 19" ears.
Before the II and III are produce, 1 proto sequencer was build and  later  some proto Fenix GT  
(seq and synt in one case) were build

Fenix II and Fenix III

 Fénix II (Synthesizer)
3 VCO’s,  3 different VCO's ( Inputs CV, FM, PWM, Sync e.o, Output square, triagle, sawtooth and some has puls, 
sub, sine e.o) 
)4 different VCF´s ( SVF, 24dB Lp, BPF, 12dB Lp). ( Input CV modulation, SVF  has  Q-CV control
3 EGR and 4 VCA’s and 5 LFO’s. (Many  modules are voltage controlled)
7 Mixers ( 3 audio mixers and 4 DC-Audio mixers).
1 Phaser and 
1 Delay (BDD). ( off course voltage controlled)
1 8 step analog sequencer with own clock.
1 Waveshapers, 
1 wavemultiplier and 1 full wave rectifier. (  voltage controlled, except for the rectifier)
1 CPR, 
1 S&H, 
1 Gate delay, 
1 Ringmodulator, 
1 Slew limiter, 
1 fixed +/- 5volt output.
1 Analog noise and 1 Digital noise. ( Digital noise voltage controlled1 
6 Banana to 3,5 mm minijack connectors.
1 Input module with trigger, gate and envelop out.1
 Stereo output module with dual panning and dual VCA. ( off course voltage controlled) 

Fénix III (Sequencer)
1 LFO board
3 Sequencer boards
1 CV expander boards (with potmeters)
3 gate expander 1 boards (with switches)1 gate expander 2 boards (with switches)
6 Banana to 3,6 mm minijack connectors 

LFO board has a LFO with divided outputs, delayed outputs, duplets and triplet’s outputs, attenuators, 
gate buffers, glide modules, quantizer, gate to S-trigger and a midi sync input (
you can choose the internal clock or the midi sync).

Sequencer board is a standalone 16 steps sequencer without LFO. 
This board is internal connected to the main LFO and the Run/Stop and Reset input. 
Each sequencer board can be used as a standalone 16 step sequencer when using an externe clock. 
This board has control inputs (like clock, step length, mute, Run, CV to step).  These inputs overrules the internal connected functions and CV Outputs with a CV input. 
Internal is a skip function available controlled by the switch expander.  
The direction of the sequencer be set normal, random and left/right.Expander boards are connected to 
a sequencer board. The expander board will run sync with the sequencer board.  There are 3 types of expander boards.A 

CV expander board. This add an extra 16 CV step sequencer (can also be set at 2 x 8 steps).

Gate expander 1 is a board with 16 switches and 2 gate outputs and 1 PW input. 
This board can also be used for the skip function of the sequencer board)

Gate expander 2
 board with 16 switches and 1 gate outputs and 1 PW input and 1 mute input. 

First prototype of the Fenix III

Sound of fenix, Paap with proto fenix III and 3 fenixen

Original price
Fenix II  3350 euro
Fenix III 2150 euro 
Cable set II ( 8- 25cm, 22- 50cm, 2- 100cm) 75 euro
Cable set III ( 8- 25cm, 15- 50cm, 7- 100cm) 75 euro 19" 
11HE mounting housing,  instead of 19" ears     50 euro   
Wooden site panels instead of 19" ears  (like protype)        85 euro

Photo of one the prototype Fenix GT.
This proto type is a Fénixsequencer and a Fénix synthesizer  in one case. (that means 68 switches, 197 potmeters en 424 banana sockets at one frontpanel of 924*436 mm). 
A lot of the modules differs from the later produced FII and F III.

Fenix GT Ambient
Tascam 388 - Fenix Modular Synth - Dynacord VRS 23

Proto Fenix GT